AroniSmartInvest™: Version 11.x with Most Advanced Analytics Capabilities for Investment Research and Market Sentiment Analysis, Available in App Store® AroniSmartInvest™ version 11.x, with more optimized Advanced Stock Market Research, Market Sentiment Analytics and Market Profile and Segmentation models, and other advanced analytics algorithms is now available in Apple's App Store®. The new version addresses several requests and feedbacks from our clients and users. The new version of AroniSmartInvest™ follows a new approach of addressing focused analytics with more advanced investment research and machine learning and market sentiment algorithms to handle evolving investment research analytical needs, while covering a broad range of portfolio analytics and business insights based on machine learning, applied statistics, Bayesian network analyses, econometrics, and data science. Advanced Analytics tools and capabilities, for all categories of investors, investment research analysts and data scientists, and students? AroniSmartInvest™ is a simple, cost effective and yet powerful machine learning tool at the disposal of the individual or any savvy investors for making an informed choice of stocks to invest in on a short term basis. At the same time, it provides other features to support the core function of : * stock segmentation and market profile analysis; * stock portfolio management, and * sentiment and text analytics, big data analytics and machine learning; that may help assess market dynamics and conditions. . AroniSmartInvest™ is the tool to leverage, with advanced technologies behind a user friendly interface. AroniSmartInvest™ includes the following modules and features: Stock Profile: A comprehensive overview of the stock trends and dynamics, on short, mid and long term; Stock Segmentation using Applied Statistics and Mathematical Statistics, , Data Science and Econometrics: From there, the analyst and the savvy investors will extract information and insights needed to make decisions using adhoc analytical skills and statistical models, such as unstructured Text mining, Bayesian Network, Econometrics, and Regression. Text and Market Sentiment Analytics Market Sentiment Analysis based on Machine Learning, Text mining and Sentiment Analytics and Sentiment Valence analysis Sentiment 3D network visualization based on Bayesian Network Models Portfolio Analysis: Bayes network models Naive Bayes One Dependence Estimator Machine Learning capabilities build on Support Vection Machine Methodologies, with: Sequential Minimal Optimization Gaussian Processes Support Vector Regression Graphing Capabilities Histograms, scattergrams, pie charts, etc. Bayesian Networks graphs Words clouds AroniSmartInvest™ is a leading investment research tool. AroniSmartInvest™ is a simple cost effective powerful research tool, leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning to inform short term investment decisions.. AronismartInvest™ modules are based on advanced analytics including Machine Learning and Big Data mining, Unstructured Text Analysis, Sentiment and Emotion Analytics, Bayesian Statistics and other advanced analytics. Check Screenshots below, for examples of some capabilities: Figure 1: AroniSmartInvest™ Modules Figure 2: AroniSmartIntelligence™ Stock Profile Figure 3: AroniSmartInvest™ Stocks Segmentation Figure 4: AroniSmartInvest™ Portfolio Manager Figure 5: AroniSmartInvest™ Sentiment Analysis Figure 6: AroniSmartInvest™ Words and Stocks Clouds and Sentiment Analysis Figure 7: AroniSmartInvest™ Bayes Network Analysis GET ARONISMARTINVEST™ on Apple®'s AppStore® Check Other AroniSmartProducts on Apple®'s AppStore. Check ARONISMARTINTELLIGENCE on Apple®'s AppStore®, by Clicking below. Fore AroniSmartInvest, Case Studies check AroniSmart Team™'s articles here © AroniSoft LLC 2021 AroniSmartInvest Bayesian Statistics Econometrics AroniSmartntelligence Dominance Analysis Non Linear Models Words Cloud Investment Research