About AroniSoft LLC

Welcome to AroniSoft LLC

AroniSoft LLC and Decision Making

Corporations, Leaders and Individuals are always faced with complex problems. They have to make decisions to resolve these problems and make significant advances. Complex problems arise everywhere where humans need to make decisions: in systems of men and women, machines, technologies, material, money, and financial instruments whether in businesses, government, defense, industries, or organizations.

An effective decision making process requires human consultancy, technical skills, technology solutions and of course leadership


Sample background

AroniSoft Business


AroniSoft LLC provides help in decision making processes. Specifically, AroniSoft LLC specializes in the following areas: Strategic Analytics, Consulting, Financial Services, and Technology Solutions, Including Machine Learning tools.

We recommend that you read this manual to familiarize yourself with the installation and basic operation of AroniSmart™ tools.

AroniStat™, AroniSmartStat™, AronSmartIntelligence™, AroniSmartInvest™, and  AroniSmartLytics™ are trademarks of AroniSoft LLC.

AroniSoft Product and Brands

AronInvest™: investment solutions

AroniSmartInvest™:  investment solutions for individual and corporate investors, with ready to use capabilities for savvy investors.

AroniSmartInvestMobile™ offers investment solutions for mobile investors

AroniSmartStat™ offers applied and advanced statistics solutions. AroniSoft statistical tools also include: AroniStat™ for Mac OS® and AroniStatMobile ™for iPad®

AroniSmartLytics™ decision making technology: advanced statistics solutions, data mining, Big Data and data science modelling,  machine learning solutions

AroniSmartIntelligence™ decision making technology solutions: advanced statistics solutions, data mining, Big Data and data science modelling,  machine learning solutions

AroniStrategicAnalytics™ decision making technology  consulting and expertise

Key Takeaway
An effective decision making process requires human consultancy, technical skills, technology solutions and of course leadership. AroniSmart  expertise and tools will help leaders in decision making.

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