AroniSmartIntelligence™ New Improved and Optimized Machine Learning Capabilities: Neural Network Models, Time Series, Support Vector Machines, Econometrics, Text Mining, More Machine Learning Models are gradually and fastly improving and becoming the center of advanced analytics, business intelligence, decision making, management science, data science, and other areas in which sound informed decisions are needed. Yet, the area continues to be both exciting and intriguing, while remaining the needed support to generate valuable analytical insights to support decision making and advanced research. Given this increasing importance of this foundation in the advanced analytics, machine learning and data science, AroniSmartIntelligence ™, one of the most advanced analytics tools with Big Data, Statistics, Econometrics, Machine Leaning, Text and Sentiment analysis, Support Vector Machine capabilities has improved the key modules including Neural Networks, Econometrics, Time Series, Bayesian Models, Support Vector Machine, Big Data Analytics, and Text Analytics. The improvement will be coming in the new version AroniSmart 12.x, soon available of Apple's App Store®. Read more …
AroniSmartInvest™ in Action: Machine Learning, Bayesian Network, Stock Segmentation, Market Sentiment Analyses Uncovers Key Stocks on May 19, 2021 On May 19, 2021, the stock market sentiment has started to head towards negativity, after a long period of positivity. In the analysis conducted by AroniSmart™ team on April 30, 2021, investors appeared to have started finding direction and answers on one of the key questions the market actors were facing: what is coming next? Although the answer to the question remained elusive, there appeared to be a growing consensus on where the market was heading, following the up and down movements, around an overall upward trend, observed since the beginning of the year. While the overall upward trend was observed since the beginning of the year, by late-April the trend has shifted downward. As of the closing hour of May 19, 2021 the dynamics of the stock market were different. Read more …
AroniSmartInvest™ in Action: Key Stocks on April 19, 2021; Machine Learning, Bayesian Network, Stock Segmentation, Market Sentiment Analyses On April 19, 2021, the stock market sentiment remains positive. However, investors appear to have started focusing on one of the key questions: what is coming next? The answer to the question remains elusive, especially after the up and down movements, around an overall upward trend, observed since the beginning of the year. In the previous analyses, AroniSmart™ team has shown major positive signs at the start of Q2 2021, looking at the volatility dynamics observed in March and February 2021, (see some dynamics here: AroniSmartInvest™ in Action: Key Stocks on April 2, 2021; Machine Learning, Bayesian Network, Stock Segmentation, Market Sentiment Analyses) On April 19, 2021 the stock market performance appears to be impacted by factors similar to those that were driving the volatility as of April 2, 2021: speculative considerations on the economy, profit taking, bonds prices, interest rates, options trading, political agenda, and related news about some key stocks, especially those related to Electic Vehicules (EV) Technology, Solar Energy, Cryptocurrency, Retail, and Banking. Read more …
AroniSmartInvest™ in Action: Key Stocks on April 2, 2021; Machine Learning, Bayesian Network, Stock Segmentation, Market Sentiment Analyses On April 2, 2021, the stock market remains volatile but with increasing positivity. Unlike the volatility dynamics observed in March and February 2021, (see some dynamics here: AroniSmartInvest™ in Action: Key Stocks on Wild February 23, 2021; Machine Learning, Bayesian Network, Stock Segmentation, Market Sentiment Analyses and here: AroniSmartInvest™ in Action: Key Stocks on March 3, 2021; Machine Learning, Bayesian Network, Stock Segmentation, Market Sentiment Analyses), there are major positive signs at the start of Q2 2021. It appears that the factors behind the observed volatility are becoming clearer and clearer. These factors continue to include speculative considerations on the economy, profit taking, increasing bonds prices, options trading, political negotiations, and news about some key stocks, especially those related to Electic Vehicules (EV) Technology. Read more …
AroniSmartInvest™ in Action: Key Stocks on March 3, 2021; Machine Learning, Bayesian Network, Stock Segmentation, Market Sentiment Analyses On March 3, 2021, the stock market continues to experience volatility similar to what was observed in Februrary 2021 (see some dynamics here: AroniSmartInvest™ in Action: Key Stocks on Wild February 23, 2021; Machine Learning, Bayesian Network, Stock Segmentation, Market Sentiment Analyses) when the stock went on unpredictable drives and experienced wild days, apparently from a mix of speculative considerations, profit taking, increasing bonds prices, options trading, political negotiations, and news about some key stocks, especially those related to Electic Vehicules (EV), Technology. Several being impacted by unexplained or somewhat speculative actions. On March 3, the key stock market indices continued to register losses ( Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 0.4%, Nasdaq 2.7 %, S&P 500 1.3%). AroniSmart™ team, leveraging the Machine Learning, Big Data ,Bayesian Network Analysis, Neural Network Analysis, Text Analytics, and Sentiment and Valence Analysis capabilities of the new improved AroniSmartInvest™, looked at the stock performance, market sentiment index and events driving the stock market in early March 2021 ( For More on AroniSoft LLC and AroniSmart products click here). Read more …
AroniSmartInvest™ in Action: Identified Key Stocks in February 2021using Machine Learning, Bayesian Network, Stock Segmentation, Market Sentiment Analyses On February 9, 2021, AroniSmart™ team, leveraging the Machine Learning, Big Data ,Bayesian Network Analysis, Neural Network Analysis, Text Analytics, and Sentiment and Valence Analysis capabilities of the new improved AroniSmartInvest™, looked at the stock performance, market sentiment index and events driving the stock market in February 2021. The analysis was done in preparation of the upcoming lauch of the new improved version of AroniSmartInvest. The new version of AroniSmartInvest, soon available on Apple's App Store™ will include modules and capabilities to help users and investors to personnaly conduct such analyses With this analysis, AroniSmart™ team highlights below the key findings on the dynamics in February 2021, Q1 2021 and most likely in the year 2021. Read more …
AroniSmartInvest™ in Action: Machine Learning, Stock Segmentation, Market Sentiment and Key Stocks in January 2021 On January 9, 2021, AroniSmart™ team, leveraging the Machine Learning, Big Data Bayesian Network Analysis, Neural Network Analysis, Text Analytics, and Sentiment and Valence Analysis capabilities of the new improved AroniSmartInvest™, looked at the stock performance, market sentiment index and events driving the stock market at the beginning of Q1 2021. The analysis was done in preparation of the upcoming lauch of the new improved version of AroniSmartInvest. The new version of AroniSmartInvest, soon available on Apple's App Store™ will include modules and capabilities to help users and investors to personnaly conduct such analyses With this analysis, AroniSmart™ team highlights below the key findings on the dynamics in Q1 2021 and most likely in the year 2021. Read more …
AroniSmartIntelligence™ in Action: Market Sentiment and Key Stocks in July 2020 On June 16, 2020, AroniSmart™ team, leveraging the Machine Learning, Text Analytics, and Sentiment and Valence Analysis capabilities of AroniSmartIntelligence™, continued looking at the market sentiment index and events driving the stock market at the end of Q2 2020 (see here: AroniSmartIntelligence™ in Action: Market Sentiment and Key Stocks in June 2020 ). From the analysis, AroniSmart continued to highlight the key major events impacting the financial sector, the stock markets, and the economy in general. AroniSmart™ analysis showed that despite the market coming back from the significant deep since early March 2020, the overall sentiment was improving and close to being positive, across the board. With this analysis, AroniSmart™ team conttinues to analyze the dynamics in Q2 2020. Read more …