AroniSmartIntelligence™ in Action: Market Sentiment and Key Stocks in Feb 2020

AroniSmartIntelligence™ in Action: Market Sentiment and Key Stocks in Feb 2020

Year 2020 has started with a strong market performance. At the same time, major events are impacting the markets. The major events include US Presidential elections, Corona Virus pandemic in China, and US-China trade relations. In the last 6 months and Year-to-date, US Stock market prices have risen significantly, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average rising 3% YTD and 15% over the last 6 months.  AroniSmart™ team, leveraging the Machine Learning , Text Mining, and Sentiment and Valance Analysis capabilities of AroniSmartLytics™ (AroniSmartIntelligence™),  has looked at the market sentiment index and events driving the stock market in Q1 2020, so far. From the analysis, key major events and impacted stocks have been highlighted. 

 A little bit of the insights on the market events and sentiments, based on  AroniSmart™ team's findings.

General Market Events and Sentiments

Sentiment Positive 2020 02 17

First, the overall sentiment positivity index appears not to match the perfroemance of the market. It stands at around 35%, which indicates that negative events are impacting the market more than the positive news and trends.

Second, the positive sentiments are connected with both the US elections and the market trends. Trump  word has the third highest positive stories. Market connected keywods such as Gain, Strong, average, led, CEO (CNOOC Ltd), TECH, CFO (VICTORY PORTFOL/VICTORYSHARES US 50) , DOW drive the positive sentiment in the stories.

Corona virus pandemic related terms, like virus, outbreak, death, struggle, tumble, traumaare driving the negativity and risk in the market. Somehow, CEO (CNOOC Ltd and TECH are connected with both high positive and high negative sentiments.

AroniSmart™ team analyzed the key stories, leveraging the Tex Mining, Machine Learning and Sentiment and Valence Analysis capabilities of AroniSmartLytics™ (AroniSmartIntelligence™) and uncovered interesting insights.

AroniSmartLytics™ Analysis of Positive and Negative Sentiment words.

Based on the analysis, as depicted in the Word Cloud below,  it was found that the the positivity (see words in green) is driven by words such as Trump, Trust, Work, Gain, Sustain. The words point to a mix of both the US politics and the stock market performance. 

The negativity appears to come from  the virus outbreak and death toll, but also from the disappointment, weakness, and potential risk in the market.

Sentiment Circular 2020 02 17

AroniSmartInvest™ in Action: Key Stocks Driving the Market Sentiment

Based on the analysis, it was found that  two key sector are driving the market, along with the few  stocks basically following similar trends.

The sectors driving the markets appear to be  TECH and Automotive with a strong momentum. That is why the key stocks, with a high overall index,  in the words cloud include: AAPL, ADS,  BABA, BAH, CCS, CDC, CEO, CFO, EBAY, EDGE, FTC, GOOGL, HSBC, IBM, INTC, MSFT, NVDA, TECH , TSLA, WMT, WTI

 Sentiment Stock 2020 02 17

More detailed analyses can be conducted using AroniSmartLytics™ Big Data, Machine Learning, Time Series and Sentiment Analysis capabilities.



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AroniSmartLytics™ (AroniSmartIntelligence™), the leading tool for Advanced Analytics

Statisticians, Data Scientists, Business and Financial Analysts,  Savvy Investors, Engineers, Researchers,  Students, Teachers, Economists, Political Analysts,  and most of  the practitioners use Advanced Analytics to answer questions, to support informed  decision making or to learn.

AroniSmartLytics™ (AroniSmartIntelligence™) is a leading advanced analytics, machine learning and data science tool, with optimized cutting edge statistics models, Big Data and Text Analytics.

AroniSmartLytics™ (AroniSmartIntelligence™) includes modules covering machine learning and Big Data mining, Unstructured Text Analysis, Sentiment and Emotion Analytics, Bayesian Statistics and other advanced analytics.